Osho Ashiyan Meditation Resort" A Home for Seeker!

“Osho Ashiyana Meditation Resort” A home for seekers! is established on huge gratitude to Osho the true master of all time!!! We feel very glorious to start providing a shelter and warm welcoming environment to seekers of truth!!! We have created a small oasis for all of us where are can stay, eat and meditate together!! You can say it's a small community!!! Where we can practice not only meditation but also living together by accepting the uniqueness of each individuals and coexistence!!!
We live in different parts of the globe with different language, food, culture, life style and even thoughts, while one thing is common with us “feelings”, “love”, “compassion”. This is the reason why we want to practice and help each other to grow more experience!!! Our common goal and achievement will be the spiritual journey!!

We can be your friend and you can be our friend!!!

“Osho Ashiyana Meditation Resort” is not just place to practice meditation but all the other kind of alternative way out to reach our goal as alternative society!!! We will be practicing regular sound meditation and sound bath sessions, Regular yoga sessions, spa massage and also provide Reiki session.

We always expects you to join us and let us serve you as our tag team for Alternative Healing technics of relaxation.....

Huge love and Hugs Swami Chaitanya Krishna


4th Sound Healing Training Session
22nd – 28th sep 2022
3rd Sound Healing Training Session
15th – 17st sep of 2022
2nd sound Healing Training Session
8th – 10th sep 2022
1st Sound Healing Training Session
1st sep – 3th sep 2022

Our Teachers

Learn from the well experience Teachers and instructors

Swami Chaitanya Krishna
Swami Chaitanya Krishna is a sound healer and third generation master and healer,was born in eastern part of Nepal,small village called Dovan at Mahendra Nagar-& Sunsari…on august 22, 1982, the healing process in his family was started from his grandfather who was a very famous shaman of eastern Nepal…who was gifted by nature for his healing power…and he healed more than 100000 people in his life time….after his grandfather  his father was to be healer but due to his interest in others field he couldn’t became a shaman or healer but he became farmer…even thou he had learned the art of healing and he had some spiritual power and great intuition…and after him Swami Chaitanya Krishna who is now sound healer and shaman was interested in spirituality since his childhood had learn the art of healing and shamanism from many different masters…

Special Sound Healing & Therapy

Sound Healing and Therapy for good Health!

Regular Sound healing Session!

Regular sound meditation and sound bath sessions.

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Regular Yoga Session!

We are also Providing Regular Yoga Session!

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Our Location

Golden Temple Singing Bowls and Healing Center

Patan, Lalitpur, opp. Golden Temple

Dynamic Singing Bowls and Healing Center

Thamel, Chaksibari marg, Kathmandu